
Purchasing wood 

The Eymard Sawmill buys 60,000m3 of wood every year, opting for local sources, mainly in the Rhône-Alpes area.

À qui achète-t-on ?
  • Wood from public forests through the National Forestry Office of France (ONF)
  • Suppliers (loggers, cooperatives)
  • Private owners
Two purchasing methods
  • In bulk: a sum is offered for all the timber harvested
  • per product unit: with a price per m3
Three procurement methods
  • Standing: the company handles the operation: the owner sells their raw timber and then doesn’t have to do anything else
  • Roadside: the owner handles the operation
  • Delivered to a sawmill: mainly reserved for commercial customers

Our sawmill’s procurement department is always looking for wood throughout the year, in different ways depending on the time of year.

In order to better meet the requirements and expectations of our customers and in order to offer a high-quality product and service, at the Eymard Sawmill we are extremely vigilant about the wood we purchase.

Wood quality sought 

  • Formwork / packaging
  • Selected frame
  • Standard frame
Photo structure chalet en bois

Wood diameter 

  • Minimum diameter 25 cm
  • Standing height
  • Up to a diameter of 80 cm
Photo pile de bois

Wood species sought 

Photo de sapins


Photo d'épicéas


Photo de douglas

Douglas fir